Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our Christmas Card!

Most Wonderful Year Christmas 5x7 folded card
For hundreds of Christmas card designs, click here.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Jonas is so much fun lately. He has been talking so much more and we just love it. But sorry, he pretty much wont smile for pictures anymore, so there arent too many of those. haha.

Jonas Speak 101:

"geek you moses" = thank you jonas.

apparently we dont praise him enough, or maybe we praise him too much idk. either way, lately he has decided to praise himself... even for things he didnt do, or for things he shouldnt be doing.

example #1: baby is playing with something unconventional (spoon, hat, box, whatever), jonas takes said item from the baby's grasp in order to "put it away". as the baby is screaming, jonas says "geek you moses".

example #2: he dumps out a box of toys after i have told him not to. apparently he thought it was still deserving of praise. "geek you moses"

"baby cwackor! baby cwackor! baby cwackor!" x10.

he has recently learned that repeating something over and over and over and OVER drives. mommy. INSANE. so, he does it for fun! yay! and he really loves to say "baby cwackor", especially during meal time and especially when the baby is eating said cracker. haha.

"miss tree bwitee balls" = the christmas tree has pretty balls

this one makes me laugh. I have tried to get him to say ornaments, but he would rather talk about how the balls on the tree are so pretty!

"botch wau-wee and dee-bah" = watch wall-e and eva.

the boy loves his shows! lately, he has been obsessed with wall-e. and now that its been so cold outside, he is cooped up inside and get bored easily and is constantly (and i mean constantly) asking me to turn on shows. Wall-E is his top request, but other favorites include "Belf" (Elf) and "Choo-choo Twain" (The Polar Express)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mason Loves Bathtime!!!

Splash master!!

btw, im totally wearing a swimming suit in the video, so no need to avert your eyes for any "surprises". lol!

Mason is such a goober. Lately, he has been LOVING bathtime! He splashes and splashes like a maniac!! haha. He doesnt care that he gets the water in his eyes or anything. And then after bathtime, he is still super happy. He was making the most hilarious faces. Thank goodness one of my children will still let me take pics of them. lol!

Jonas got in, so now mason will get out.

towel happiness with mama!

after-bath ecstasy!!!! hahaha

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Birth Story: Mason Alexander

{Disclaimer: This post will talk about bodily functions and fluids associated with birthing a baby. Please keep that in mind. }

I woke up on Sunday morning feeling sick. I thought maybe I had food poisoning or that I caught the flu. I didn't have any contractions or anything, just nausea and diarrhea. Then, I started feeling a little crampy, and go the the bathroom and find my bloody show. But, I still wasn't really feeling any contractions, just some cramps and BH's. I called my midwife that afternoon and asked her to come over and see if she thought I was in early labor. She came and checked me around 4pm and I was 80-90% effaced and 2.5cm dilated. Big progress from my appt. on Friday where I was 1.5 cm and only 50% effaced. She thought I was probably inearly labor, but didn't want to get my hopes up since I wasn't really having contractions or anything timeable. She stripped my membranes, did some pressure points on my feet, and then left.

After she left, the cramps I was having got a lot stronger, but they still felt like menstrual cramps to me... I ate some dinner and decided to go on a stroll around the block with Nick and Jonas to see if we could get things moving and get some real contractions. While we were on the walk, I commented to Nick that I thought the cramps I was having were coming at intervals and that we could probably time them. Nick pulled out his phone and started timing them. They were coming about 2 minutes apart and lasting for about 20 seconds. I told Nick that there was no way that they were real contractions because they were too close together to be real and they weren't really painful. My contractions with Jonas didn't get that close together until I was in hardcore labor and in a lot of pain.

We got back and the in-laws came over to drop off some food for us. They weren't here for very long. And I didn't tell them that I was having timeable cramps, because I didn't think I was in real labor. They left, I decided to eat a doughnut (bad husband for buying them!), probably wasn't the best idea, I would later find out.

Anyways, We got Jonas put to bed. Actually, I think Nick put Jonas to bed because I was downstairs feeling kind of uncomfortable. I called my midwife and told her to come over and check me. I still wasn't 100% sure that I was in labor, but I knew that something was going on. My doula was already planning on coming that night around 8pm to do pressure points and aromatherapy to help induce labor. I guess she was pretty surprised when she came around 8:45pm and found me in labor. Nick had been timing my contractions (i am finally calling them that, even though they still felt like strong menstrual cramps to me) and they were 1-2 minutes apart and lasting about 30 seconds. So my doula starts working on my feet with her oils, during this time frame, my midwife shows up. The foot massage lasted probably another 5 or so minutes. Then, I got on my birth ball for a little bit and then kind of walked around for the next couple of contractions.

{me in labor before the doula and midwife showed up}

I distinctly remember feeling like a circus freak. It was funny, because Nick was at the computer timing my contractions, Twyla (my doula) and Chris (my midwife) were on different couches watching me intently. I felt surrounded by all these staring eyes, trying to figure out where I was in the labor. It was making me anxious. I decided to go get in the shower.

The shower felt great, the hot water was really relaxing me and I was trying really hard to breathe with each contraction and let my body relax and do what it was made to do. After the shower, I went to the room and a contraction hit me and it was pretty over-powering. I knew one thing at that moment. I was going to puke. Urgently, I told nick to grab my bucket, but he couldn't find it. My doula hurried and grabbed a glass cup that was sitting on the dresser. I immediately began barfing and then my midwife rushed over with the bucket and I was still going. It was horrible. After the puking, I said to Nick "the doughnut was a bad idea" and we laughed.

I think my body and mind were in real birthing mode at this point. I didn't care who was watching anymore or what else was going on around me. My only concern was letting my body do its work without my mind and inhibitions slowing it down too much. The contractions were getting much stronger and closer together, I think. I don't really know, since we didn't time them.

I labored standing up in the room holding on to Nick and my doula was behind me putting pressure on my hips and lower back. I also labored a bit on the bed, laying on my side. I was moving around constantly... trying to find a way to move or a position that would help relieve my discomfort. I decided to get into the shower again. It was a last ditch attempt to try and regain any comfort I had once had earlier in the shower. I wasn't in the shower but a few minutes this time. The contractions were very strong and I had been feeling urges to bear down. I didn't want to birth standing up in the shower, so I came back into the room and laid on my side on the bed. I went through quite a few contractions this way. Either Nick or my midwife at my front encouraging me and rubbing my leg and my doula behind me putting pressure on my back, which was really hurting at this point.

My water still hadn't broken, but I was pushing with every contraction and was beginning to feel frustrated. I asked my midwife to check me to see how dilated I was. I was kind of surprised when she told me that I was only at 8cm. Well, not much else to do except keep going. I kept laboring and pushing and not too long until my water just burst during one of the contractions.

{pushing. oh, the agony!!}

After my water broke, things moved very quickly. I began pushing the baby out with each contraction. I was in SO much pain at this point. I remember my midwife telling me to push and I screamed out "but, the pain!!! so much pain!" and she was like "just push through the pain, you can do it". And, so I did. I guess that is why he came out only 8 minutes after my water had broken. It was the most painful 8 minutes though, definitely the most painful part of the whole labor for me. After I had pushed the head out, I asked if he was out yet. I was so ready to be done... but nope, time to push out the shoulders. One more painful set of pushing and he was out!

Nick caught the baby with the guidance of the midwife. They laid him on my belly. I was overjoyed!! Not only to see my baby, but just to be done!!! I let out a HUGE sigh of relief and my body just kind of went limp after all the work it had done. I could barely hold my baby with my one arm. I noticed that he wasn't breathing yet and I was a little worried. He was still attached to my cord, so I knew he was still getting oxygen, but he didn't have much longer. I asked my midwife if he was okay and she took him and started working on him to get him to breathe.

Apparently, he had swallowed a bunch of fluid on his way out. It was a very scary few minutes. She did mouth to mouth on him and put an oxygen mask on him. He coughed a little bit, but he still wasn't breathing well. We were all very worried at this point. My doula suggested that Nick give the baby a priesthood blessing. My midwife kept working on the baby, while Nick laid his hands on him and gave him a blessing. Shortly after the blessing, the baby started breathing. We are so grateful for a skilled midwife and the power of the priesthood.

{after he was breathing on his own.}

{Midwife checking the baby's stats}

Our blessing from God, Mason Alexander Forgacs was born at 10:48pm on April 18th 2010. We are so happy to have him here and Jonas is enjoying being a big brother. We are so proud of him, too.

{happy family.}

Monday, November 16, 2009

He CAN be helpful sometimes!!

the first two are of jonas helping "shovel" the leaves at great grandmas house. he was so happy to be doing what we were doing. and he didnt do a half bad job ;)

and this picture is him giving oreo some love. she doesnt really love it, but he sure does! haha.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

toddlers are terrible!

Jonas has been making probably the worst messes of his life today!! I wont go into too much detail about all the "normal" messes he made today. cups/baking sheets all over the floor... etc. ect. anywho, i was upstairs doing my hair/makeup... which is really not that long of a process for me. so, im up there for maybe 10 minutes... he came downstairs during that time, and i figured he was playing with toys or throwing more baking pans and utensils all over the floor. whatever. its all in a days work.

well, instead i come downstairs and find WHEAT all over the floor!!!! He managed to open up the 5 gallon bucket of wheat... then he grabbed a measuring cup and started "sprinkling" it all over the kitchen floor. Its even worse in the pantry. UGHHHHHHH!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jonas: Towers and Oreo

Jonas likes to build towers now.... and recently, he has begun building towers for Oreo. I dont think she really appreciates the great effort that goes into them, but Jonas enjoys building towers with her. And after he finishes a tower, he claps his hands and wants everyone to say "yay!!" cute boy. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, first off i would like to thank all the friends and family and internet peeps for the well wishes and concern. Most of all, i want to thank my family... everyone who stopped by to see how i was doing and to make sure i was alright. I really appreciate everything. In particular, Carol, Andrea, Troy for staying that first night it happened and for Amanda coming and helping me out on monday. Also, a mystery person left me something on the porch today. I dont know who it is, but i just wanted to publicly thank this person... it really means alot that so many people have been so caring towards me throughout all of this! i love you all! <3 it sucks when bad stuff happens, but it helps alot to have a group of people who are all hoping and helping and praying for the best. THANK YOU ALL!!

I am feeling a little better everyday. I am thankful for that, i am still getting headaches and jaw pain from chewing... but it is getting better. I think i am looking worse though. lol. i am starting to really look like the battered wife, what with the red eye and yellow bruising and scrape.

Also, my niece Mckenzie had her 2nd bday yesterday! i wish i could have been more excitable at the party and feeling well enough to take a buttload of pics... she looked so cute! i did get a couple pics, not nearly enough, but heres a couple.

Happy Birthday, kennie!! everything was great at the party, nat and jess, i wish i had felt well enough to eat all the yummy sandwiches!!

These two are of jonas trying to get my camera while she was opening gifts.

look at his brown eyes!!! at least they look brown in this pic, they are always changing.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

face, meet asphalt.

last night around dusk, i went for a fun joyride on my bike. went around the block, jamming to my tunes and having a great time... didnt want to stop, but it was getting dark... so i went to the elementary school to ride around the parking lot. i ended up sliding on a bunch of loose gravel and somehow my face ended up planting into the asphalt. as well as other body parts, i tried to stop the fall with my hands, so they are scraped up pretty bad. I called nick and told him i was really hurt and to run down. We only live a few houses down from the elementary. I was bleeding pretty well from my hands and there was gravel in them. My face hurt REALLY bad. i was pretty sure it was going to be really bad and my teeth hurt so bad, i was afraid that i might lose some. or that my jaw might be out of alignment.

anyways, we called nicks mom and her and troy came over to stay here at the house, since jonas was asleep. We went to the ER.. it took forever to get in.. they were very busy. I was hurting pretty bad and bawling pretty much the whole time. We were there until about 2am. They told me i fractured a bone underneath my eye. It is swollen and there is a hole in the bone. I have to be very careful with my face and i am not allowed to blow my nose. The technical name is "orbital blowout fracture". I am pretty freaking scared about it and worried, hoping that it all heals up okay. anyways, here are some pics... for some reason it doesnt look as bad as it feels... i guess it is mostly internal damage. :(

life sucks sometimes. grateful that i am okay, grateful for nicks family helping us out so much last night. grateful for my wonderful husband that has let me cry on his shoulder this whole time. i hope to get feeling better soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Vegas, Baby!!

nick being a turd while we were waiting for the shuttle at the hotel.

the fountain show at the Bellagio. It was sooo awesome!! it has lights and is set to music. it looks so cool at night too.

the cactus gardens were so cool!! who knew there were so many cactuses?? and i found my soul sistah - pink cactus!! awesome :)

Vegas was fun! the casinos were amazing and huge and there was tons to see. we didnt get to see it all, but we enjoyed what we did get to see. It is so awesome at night with all the lights on the strip.

wow. i have sooooo many more pictures. ya cant really put them all on a blog. so, heres a link to all of them, go check em out, they are fun!!