This morning while i was at Wal-mart (of all places), i had to grab a site-to-store order from their back layaway area... and well since i was there in the morning i happened to catch the end of of their "morning pep talk" haha. It was really really wierd. they were chanting and cheering... and at the end of the cheer they were like "W-A-L-M-A-R-T! What does that spell? WALMART!! Who's the best? We are! 24534 (random number) days with no accident! Staying Safe MARCH 6th!!"
and right then and there it dawned on me.
Last year on this day... it was my due date. It brought back a flood of memories.
I had gone to my doctors appt. the day before and I was 3.5cm dilated. They told me i would go into labor any day and they wouldnt let me make an appt for the next week cuz i wouldnt need to.
so, here i was at work on my due date. feeling sad about not going into labor... in fact i remember going outside for a little walk and calling Andria and whining to her about how depressing it was to go overdue. haha. I think i probably called my sister and complained to her too. It was sad to realize that i was going to go overdue. Anyways, everyone i complained to cheered me up a little bit saying "oh, you could still go into labor today." "dont give up hope" "its not so bad to go overdue a couple days".
And you know, it wasnt that i was miserable or anything.... because i wasnt. I just did NOT want to be induced. I knew that the longer i went overdue, the odds would go up that i would be induced and when you are induced, the odds are overwhelmingly high that you will get the epidural... since pitocin (chemically induced) contractions are 100x stronger than regular ones. And i did not want the epidural.
This was me, exactly one year ago from today.... Wow.
Anyways, the story ended well ;) but, i will save that post for next Thursday.
3 years ago
Ohhh you looked so cute pregnant. I was one of those fat wadly girls and you were always so adorable. I can't wait for your next post on lil jonas' birfday!
love the prego pic!! definetly brings back memories of a year ago.
It's still so weird for me to see your pregnant pictures. You never got any chub anywhere but where Jonas was! It looks like you just stuffed a big watermelon up your shirt, and it just kept growing for nine months until Jonas popped out!
You are sooo cute!
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