Friday, June 13, 2008

What is it with me and birds?

What with the bird that got into my house (see earlier blog)and now at work. We have baby birds living above our heads in the ceiling! All we have for a ceiling here are those thin square tile thingys that pop out. We hear the birds squawking all the time for food.. and now, we can see poo!! omgosh, i swear, pretty soon, the ceiling tile will be so saturated with poo, that it will eventually just cave in.

Let us all pray that i am not at work on the day that that happens.


Meg said...

What happened with the bird in your house? Did you get it out? I certainly hope so. Hopefully the birds at work will also be eliminated. Maybe you should just start your own bird sanctuary. :-)

janette said...

at least you don't have to worry about getting it out this time... hopefully you won't be at work when they do though.