Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Of course...

I have to do a Christmas blog. lol.

We had an awesome time! Jonas got so spoiled! Toys, books, and clothes galore! He loved playing with all his new toys. and he looks so handsome in all his new outfits.
I got a graphics tablet, it is so nice! I have already created my own font from it. And i can draw with it in photoshop. Nick got loaded with a years worth of new clothes. jeans, shirts, a new suit and some new slacks. He also got a couple video games. He has a bday near christmas though, so all of the gifts he has gotten all just jumble together in my mind.

this was on Christmas Eve. Me and Jonas (okay, just me. haha) created the "chapel of love" graham cracker house. :)

This was us on christmas eve night at nicks moms house. Me and jonas are wearing our cmas pj's.

Us on Christmas Morning!

Jonas in his new outfit from Aunt Natty. What a cute christmas boy!

Us all ready to head out and hit the town. lol.

Jonas trying to steal his cousin McKenzie's toy! haha.

After that we went up to Nicks Dad's and the Forgacs Grandparents house. We had an awesome dinner there. It felt good to eat some real food finally. We had a great christmas! I hope all went well for everyone else too! (well, except you jo, i already know how your cmas went down. lol)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


We went to San Diego! Things went surprisingly great, jonas was good at the parks and on the flights to and from. Disneyland was fun, but super super crowded, so that kinda sucked... but we did get to ride some super fun rides. Jonas loved pirates of the Caribbean. My favorite ride was California Screamin' or Space Mountain. Nick loved The Tower of Terror.

So, all in all we went to Disneyland, California Adventure, Sea World, San Diego Zoo, and Legoland. It was fun and disneyland/cali adv. had the best rides, but it was super crowded which sucked super much. All the other places were dead, which was nice. Seeing all the big cats at the zoo was awesome!

Jonas fell in love for the first time
with a fairy. :) he literally would NOT look away from her and he wouldnt stop smiling and cooing. He was holding her hand and wouldnt let go. It was SO cute.

They did this special thing before the parade. All the lights on main street shut off and then they all lit up in this color and sparkled. It was AMAZING!!

Us at legoland with a lego-tree. Check out the picasa album for more of the crazy awesome things made out of legos!!

San Diego Beach Sunset.... beautiful!

annndd... the CUTEST tiger cub ever. omgosh, he was playing and batting at things. so cute! I WANT ONE!!

and here is the link to see the rest of the pics..


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just another Jonas post! :)

I'm sorry but my kid just does too many cute things... so i post post post. heehee.

Here is Jonas doing his latest "skill"

Mr. Fire Hair. hehe. my little spikey man.

he can pull himself up now!! look at my BIG boy!! :)

"so delighted to see you!"

okay, done picture whoring now. ;)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

i just found these!!!

haha. i just found these pics on my other memory card. i had forgotten about them. we were trying our halloween wigs on jonas. he was having a blast, it was hilarious! ha.

and well, this picture is just cute. awwww :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

8 months!!

and he is crawling!! woo hoo! it is so fun to watch him crawl to a toy that he wants. He isnt a huge pro yet, so he hasnt really been getting into everything, though im sure that will be coming very soon. I need to buy some baby gates! The other day he did dump out my basket that sits by my computer and has ALL my cords and gadgets in it. lol. he was playing in it. I didnt really mind, i thought it was cute. I guess the first time for everything is cute. lol.

and i'll add a picture just for good measure.
nick took this like 2 days ago. jonas wearing nicks glasses... its freakin hilarious!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So, i was at the store...

I ran to the store last night to grab a couple items for my latest experiment in the kitchen (i am kind of a mad scientist when it comes to recipes). Anywho, im standing in the "quick express" line with a couple people in front of me. There were two girls and a guy in front of me. The two girls were using food stamps (to buy cheetos and pop, i might add) and it was taking a ridiculous amount of time to ring them up, i almost switched lines. And so we are all waiting and they start talking to the guy that is in front of me.. and they know him i think. They are all like "so did you vote today?" and hes like "yeah." they ask, "who did you vote for?" (kind of a rude question to ask, i was surprised as i was listening in.) he said that he voted for obama. and they seemed cool with it. and then he asked them if they voted and they were like "oh, no. we didnt. we dont really care. " and then the other girl pipes in, "yeah, im not even registered. who cares?"

WHO CARES?? ME! thats who! here they are living off of the government and they could care less about it. im so glad that my tax dollars could buy them cheetos, some pop, and such gratitude.

too bad ron paul didnt get elected. we wouldnt have to put up with any of this monkey business.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mad Scientists and our experiment gone wrong!

Us and our little experiment!! he was supposed to be a child, but we got a bear instead. oh well, at least we got a cute bear! :)

Jonas with Aunt Natalie and Cousin Kenzie.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

fun fall time!!

We had a fun time enjoying the fall weather and fall colors at the parkway last week! I love this weather and these colors.. it is so beautiful! I am so happy that we still got some fall even though we had that crazy snow storm so early.

Jonas is 7.5 months old now!! What a little ham! He is getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth! he scoots backwards all the time... it is only a matter of time until he figures out how to go forward. It is so fun watching him figure it out and do new things! :) I think he is also cutting in a couple new teeth, the ones next to his top teeth (just like lindzi, jo!)

Today was SUCH A NICE DAY!! Woo hoooooooo!! i love it! im trying to enjoy it while i still can. what for like 2 more days? lol! Me and Jonas went on a super long stroll and he was a good boy! and then we rested in the yard after our hike (see above pics) and Jonas was so happy! Also, he LOVES the grass! haha.. he always starts out on his blankie and then ends up in the grass. He loves to feel it with his hands. Its so cute.... he takes after his momma. i love the grass too! nick, unfortunately, does not. haha!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


omgosh, i cannot believe the SNOW today!!!! its insane! today also happens to be Jonas' 7 month birthday. He is starting to scoot! he scoots backward right now and he also gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. Its scary, he may start crawling soon! ahhhh!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

fun tummy time!

Jonas' latest fun way to spend tummy time. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

6 month photoshop and miserable colds!!

I got Jonas the cutest new outfit for Fall and took these pics a couple weeks ago and just barely got to finishing the 8x10 i was working on. cuz now he is almost 7 months. haha. but he looks like such a little man in that outfit!! growing up so fast already! crazy!

anyways, we both recently caught a cold from nick (thanks hun! haha). It pretty much sucks. I havent had a cold in a long time... like a couple years. seriously! this is freakin misery! especially taking care of myself and Jonas!! ugh! luckily it hasnt affected him too badly yet, im hoping it doesnt get worse. Where are my Mom Superpowers??!! We are not supposed to get sick!! Am i the only one that had a mom that seemed to NEVER get sick? like even when half the kids in the house were sick! ahaha. i need those mom superpowers. do you think they sell them on ebay? or at smiths? food for thought.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jonas and the Cat

I caught Oreo in a good mood today and so I got some good pictures of Jonas with her. Jonas really really likes Oreo alot, even if he's grumpy usually when he sees the cat he gets excited and makes some crazy sounds (which scares her away most of the time). But Oreo was really good today and let Jonas hold her for a few minutes.

Brenda says, "Hey people! Nick wrote this blog. congratulate him on his very first one :) oh! and check out jonas' teeth in pic #2!! "

Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 22, 2008

# 1 reason to NEVER have kids!

The picture pretty much says it all.

*pausing for shock value*

But i'll tell the story anyways. We were in the kitchen making dinner and Jonas was playing in his bouncer, when we came back into the living room, we walked in on that scene above you. probably one of the worst things ive ever seen in my life. I grabbed my camera to document this horrendous moment of history so that i could at least get satisfaction of humiliating jonas for the rest of his life for this. HE WAS BOUNCING IN IT!!! omgosh omgosh omgosh, i was like hyperventalating. "nick! nick! nick! what do we do? what do we do??" hahahaha. so gross.

But, I think what happened was he poohed and then bounced down on his bouncer hard enough that it shot out the side of his diaper and onesie!!!
i thought i had been through quite alot of crap ( pun intended) as far as new baby parenting went, but this takes the cake!

So, if you've never had fantasies of dredging through poo, then you probably should remain celibate for your entire life.

good news was that nick was able to get the stain out of the carpet. and i was able to clean jonas' feet about a million times over and finally get them poo-free! it was so hard to stay mad at the little guy though, he kept smiling and laughing... i guess he felt really great about relieving himself on the living room carpet. oh kids. what can ya do?

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Singing "So Much Love"

Singing in the middle of the crowd!!

me and nick went to The Rocket Summer concert at In the Venue in SLC last night. It was an awesome time. It made us feel like teenagers again. lol. The Rocket Summer did an AMAZING job. Bryce Avary is truly inspirational. I encourage all of you to give them a listen. He was soo amazing live. He came out into the crowd and sang a song acoustically... and then he crowd surfed back to the stage it was so cool. haha. My mom watched Jonas for us and we are so thankful for her doing that so that we could get out and feel young again :) It was a great belated birthday date!