and he is crawling!! woo hoo! it is so fun to watch him crawl to a toy that he wants. He isnt a huge pro yet, so he hasnt really been getting into everything, though im sure that will be coming very soon. I need to buy some baby gates! The other day he did dump out my basket that sits by my computer and has ALL my cords and gadgets in it. lol. he was playing in it. I didnt really mind, i thought it was cute. I guess the first time for everything is cute. lol.
and i'll add a picture just for good measure.
nick took this like 2 days ago. jonas wearing nicks glasses... its freakin hilarious!
love it!!
Hey Brenda. we went private. not sure if you wanted an invite, but if so send me your email at No pressure though. I love the pic with the glasses. So cute.
That is so fun that he is crawling. I think Brooky might be slow learning to crawl. She can sit up great and roll from her back to her belly but she can't roll back. oh well. Jonas looks so cute in his daddy's glasses. I took a picture of brooklyn in glasse the other day too!
he looks like he's in some hipster baby band!
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