Monday, November 16, 2009

He CAN be helpful sometimes!!

the first two are of jonas helping "shovel" the leaves at great grandmas house. he was so happy to be doing what we were doing. and he didnt do a half bad job ;)

and this picture is him giving oreo some love. she doesnt really love it, but he sure does! haha.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

toddlers are terrible!

Jonas has been making probably the worst messes of his life today!! I wont go into too much detail about all the "normal" messes he made today. cups/baking sheets all over the floor... etc. ect. anywho, i was upstairs doing my hair/makeup... which is really not that long of a process for me. so, im up there for maybe 10 minutes... he came downstairs during that time, and i figured he was playing with toys or throwing more baking pans and utensils all over the floor. whatever. its all in a days work.

well, instead i come downstairs and find WHEAT all over the floor!!!! He managed to open up the 5 gallon bucket of wheat... then he grabbed a measuring cup and started "sprinkling" it all over the kitchen floor. Its even worse in the pantry. UGHHHHHHH!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jonas: Towers and Oreo

Jonas likes to build towers now.... and recently, he has begun building towers for Oreo. I dont think she really appreciates the great effort that goes into them, but Jonas enjoys building towers with her. And after he finishes a tower, he claps his hands and wants everyone to say "yay!!" cute boy. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, first off i would like to thank all the friends and family and internet peeps for the well wishes and concern. Most of all, i want to thank my family... everyone who stopped by to see how i was doing and to make sure i was alright. I really appreciate everything. In particular, Carol, Andrea, Troy for staying that first night it happened and for Amanda coming and helping me out on monday. Also, a mystery person left me something on the porch today. I dont know who it is, but i just wanted to publicly thank this person... it really means alot that so many people have been so caring towards me throughout all of this! i love you all! <3 it sucks when bad stuff happens, but it helps alot to have a group of people who are all hoping and helping and praying for the best. THANK YOU ALL!!

I am feeling a little better everyday. I am thankful for that, i am still getting headaches and jaw pain from chewing... but it is getting better. I think i am looking worse though. lol. i am starting to really look like the battered wife, what with the red eye and yellow bruising and scrape.

Also, my niece Mckenzie had her 2nd bday yesterday! i wish i could have been more excitable at the party and feeling well enough to take a buttload of pics... she looked so cute! i did get a couple pics, not nearly enough, but heres a couple.

Happy Birthday, kennie!! everything was great at the party, nat and jess, i wish i had felt well enough to eat all the yummy sandwiches!!

These two are of jonas trying to get my camera while she was opening gifts.

look at his brown eyes!!! at least they look brown in this pic, they are always changing.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

face, meet asphalt.

last night around dusk, i went for a fun joyride on my bike. went around the block, jamming to my tunes and having a great time... didnt want to stop, but it was getting dark... so i went to the elementary school to ride around the parking lot. i ended up sliding on a bunch of loose gravel and somehow my face ended up planting into the asphalt. as well as other body parts, i tried to stop the fall with my hands, so they are scraped up pretty bad. I called nick and told him i was really hurt and to run down. We only live a few houses down from the elementary. I was bleeding pretty well from my hands and there was gravel in them. My face hurt REALLY bad. i was pretty sure it was going to be really bad and my teeth hurt so bad, i was afraid that i might lose some. or that my jaw might be out of alignment.

anyways, we called nicks mom and her and troy came over to stay here at the house, since jonas was asleep. We went to the ER.. it took forever to get in.. they were very busy. I was hurting pretty bad and bawling pretty much the whole time. We were there until about 2am. They told me i fractured a bone underneath my eye. It is swollen and there is a hole in the bone. I have to be very careful with my face and i am not allowed to blow my nose. The technical name is "orbital blowout fracture". I am pretty freaking scared about it and worried, hoping that it all heals up okay. anyways, here are some pics... for some reason it doesnt look as bad as it feels... i guess it is mostly internal damage. :(

life sucks sometimes. grateful that i am okay, grateful for nicks family helping us out so much last night. grateful for my wonderful husband that has let me cry on his shoulder this whole time. i hope to get feeling better soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Vegas, Baby!!

nick being a turd while we were waiting for the shuttle at the hotel.

the fountain show at the Bellagio. It was sooo awesome!! it has lights and is set to music. it looks so cool at night too.

the cactus gardens were so cool!! who knew there were so many cactuses?? and i found my soul sistah - pink cactus!! awesome :)

Vegas was fun! the casinos were amazing and huge and there was tons to see. we didnt get to see it all, but we enjoyed what we did get to see. It is so awesome at night with all the lights on the strip.

wow. i have sooooo many more pictures. ya cant really put them all on a blog. so, heres a link to all of them, go check em out, they are fun!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

yay for may!

heres a rundown of our may for you.....

crazy teething maniac baby, popsicles, haircut (for jonas), butt dancing, and temper tantrums. yay for may!

computer genius at 14 months.

the infamous "butt dance". apparently, he really likes the Parks & Recreation theme song. lol.

"hey ma! i got my hand stuck in the goldfish container!"

"gimme that camera!!! my life is ending if you donntttttt" my drama king.

after hair cut. it looks soooo cute when its spiked up with gel too. i need to get a pic of that.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

bath hair!

I keep telling everyone about how curly Jonas' hair gets when its wet, but i have never provided any proof. so here you all are. proof that jonas got his daddy's hair style. lol :D

Here's a picture of daddy's hair for comparison:

hehehe. what cute curly hair boys. :)