Thursday, October 29, 2009

toddlers are terrible!

Jonas has been making probably the worst messes of his life today!! I wont go into too much detail about all the "normal" messes he made today. cups/baking sheets all over the floor... etc. ect. anywho, i was upstairs doing my hair/makeup... which is really not that long of a process for me. so, im up there for maybe 10 minutes... he came downstairs during that time, and i figured he was playing with toys or throwing more baking pans and utensils all over the floor. whatever. its all in a days work.

well, instead i come downstairs and find WHEAT all over the floor!!!! He managed to open up the 5 gallon bucket of wheat... then he grabbed a measuring cup and started "sprinkling" it all over the kitchen floor. Its even worse in the pantry. UGHHHHHHH!!


joanna said...

toddlers are such busy bodies!!! Mine is constantly making messes too. Where is the pic of this lovely mess??

Flores' said...

ha ha ha u got ur hands full!!