Jonas Dawson was born on March 12th at 11:30 pm. He weighed 9 lbs 6 oz and was 21.5 inches long AND 6 days overdue! We were so happy to finally meet him!!
Here is my labor story:
I was kinda depressed on wednesday cuz i hadnt gone into labor yet and i was almost 41 weeks! i had my doctor appt that day and i was so sad that i had made it to that appt. Pretty much everyone thought i wouldnt make it cuz the previous week i had been 3.5cm dilated and 70% effaced.
So, anyways, my doula accompanied me to my appt to help me talk to the doctor about induction. The appt went really well, i was 4.5cm dilated and 80% effaced the baby was still not dropped though, which was probably the reason why i wasnt in labor yet. He was still at a -3 station. So the doctor stripped my membranes and let me tell you, he went at it! He was really trying to send me into labor! Okay, so i left the doctors office with my membranes stripped and with an induction date of Sunday the 16th (11 days overdue) .
My doula said that she would come back to my house in like an hour and do a pressure point massage to help me to go into labor. So, she came and i wasnt really feeling anything from the stripping of the membranes. After the massage, i still didnt feel anything, she told me some things i could get from the store (herbal stuff) to help speed things along as well. So, off i went to the store to get some things. Anyways, i started feeling cramps at the store, but figured they were no big deal. So, i continued on my way to another store to look for a nursing gown. Well, i didnt end up getting it cuz I started to feel way more crampy at that store, something just didnt feel right. so i came home to my husband. We both didnt know if it was the real thing or not.... my husband was about ready to leave for a side job and then school. I didnt know if i should let him leave or not! Anyways, we decided that he would stay and its a good thing he did! not even 2 hours later my contractions were coming 2 minutes apart lasting for 30 seconds each. I called my doula and she came over, we quickly reached the decision that we should head to the hospital. Nick was surprised, he was cleaning out the car and putting our stuff in, he thought he had alot of time on his hands! We went to the hospital, I was wearing my bathrobe since i had tried to relieve the contractions by getting in the shower and taking a bath at home, i was totally styling, but i could have cared less at that point. When we got there, we had to fill out paperwork and wait for 30 minutes in the waiting room!! I was going through serious labor... all the people in the waiting room were looking at me funny/worried. AND the wait would have been longer if we had not taken things into our own hands! They told us what room number we would be in, but they said we had to wait for the head nurse to check us in. She was busy with 4 other deliveries! There was so way i could wait to get in that room, so we just went back there and i got into the jacuzzi tub. The warm water and jets helped so much! I had back labor pretty much the whole time and my doula helped out during every contraction by squeezing my hips together. By the time i got into my room at the hospital it was about 7:15PM, the baby was born only 4 hours later! I was so blessed to have a short labor. It was very intense at times, but the doula and my husbands help was indispensible to get me through those contractions. Around 10:30pm, i was getting urges to push, but my water hadnt broken yet.. i think i was 8 or 9 cm dilated at this point. The nurse called the doctor and told him to hurry. Right after that I had a contraction and i felt the urge to push down, so I did and BAM! my water burst like balloon! It was pretty funny cuz the doula had just told me to visualize my water breaking.
After my water broke, things sped up really quickly, each contraction after that i was pushing, but the nurse was telling me not to push, but I HAD TO! The doctor hadnt arrived yet, so they kept telling me not to push, which was horrible, i kinda still pushed anyways, luckily the doctor arrived before the baby did. He got there for like the last 10 or so minutes of pushing. I pushed for 30 minutes total. It was soo hard! the hardest part of the labor and we found out why when our baby boy came out. He was a whopping 9lbs. 6 oz. and 21.5 inches long. What a big boy! They put him onto my tummy and he was perfect. He had a full head of copper red hair, i was so surprised! They hurried and got him all cleaned up while i pushed out the placenta. Nick came back with the baby all cleaned up and showed him to me. We were both so in love and in awe that i had just pushed that baby out of me!! It seemed so surreal, like a dream. I had a second degree tear, so while i was being stitched up Nick and the baby were right by me and I asked Nick "Well, what should we name him?" We had a few names that we liked, but we hadnt decided on anything 100%, we wanted to see the baby first. So, Nick said, "I think he looks like a Jonas" and i said "you’re right, he does. Jonas Dawson Forgacs."
3 years ago
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